
Boulder Heavy Industries

Connecting working professionals to BHI.

My Role:

UX/UI Designer




Figma, Webflow


Boulder Heavy Industries (BHI) hosts a myriad of companies with varying services. They needed a landing page for professionals to learn about job opportunities as well as the culture and benefits of working in the BHI community.

The Challenge

Users want to work for a positive, diverse and engaging company that reflects what they preach. With the onset of COVID in 2021, flexibility in the remote/hybrid environments was paramount to highlight.

The Process

During our kickoff call with BHI's HR team, we learned about the essential elements for the landing page. This included an "About BHI" section, a showcase of BHI's family of companies, and perks and benefits.

Keeping our must-haves in mind, I explored multiple structural and sequential ways to layout our information architecture.

I was also going to be building the landing page in Webflow. This in combination with BHI’s brand influenced the very modular approach that was taken.

Initial Exploration
MVP + Aspirational Variations
Approved Wireframes
Campaign Inspiration

Our talented Art Director, Lex Coelho designed three color variations of campaign ads that would be circulated and directly link out to the landing page. The following color exploration derived from her work below.

Color Exploration
Outcome + Insights

In the end, we chose a color scheme that aligns better with BHI's brand and introduced a vibrant touch to the final call to action banner. Reflecting on my early UX years when I worked on this project, my current approach to designing this landing page would involve prioritizing a cleaner and more streamlined layout from the outset.

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